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Not a single girl in the class made a sound and many edged forward on their chairs as Cassandra pulled the shirt open and then off, folding it and placing it on the desk. Returning to the half naked school girl Cassandra brushed one hand up her stomach as she undid Annas bra with the other. The girl bit her bottom lip as the covering was pulled away and added to the pile on the desk but kept silent, for though her face flushed with embarrassment she felt an unfamiliar feeling between her legs. I sent him a text saying, "I'll be in soon" then sat in theSUV and dialed Sam's number, expecting to leave a message saying we neededto talk. I couldn't do any of this over text.Unexpectedly, Sam picked up, "hey."I had a lump in my throat, but managed a "hey."Sam sighed, "I'm glad you called." Yeah," I replied. I had no idea how to do this."How is Hawaii?" It's fine. Just working." Mhm," Sam mumbled. I thought of how I was going to word this and wonderedif he was going to apologize or try to. Do I sound like Ann Landers, or what?’ Sally concluded with a slight laugh. ‘Yes you do, and it’s good advice, Sal. Now all I have to do is get up the courage to follow it.’ ‘Only you can do that, kid. Now, let’s go downstairs and talk to the folks.’ Sue went back to summer school with the firm intention of having a serious talk with Eric, but just couldn’t bring herself to broach the subject that might end their relationship. So the summer passed without the conversation she knew they must. “Tastes like strawberry milk!”Chaka stared at him for a moment, then slammed her fists on the table, making his mug jump.“Not so much as a cough!”“Was that supposed to be strong?” Dennis scoffed. “I’ve had ciders with more of a kick than that.”She poured him another cup and filled the mug of an adjacent Borealan with the pink spirit. This one looked reluctant but complied, taking a drink and then lowering the cup, sputtering and hacking. Chaka laughed, slamming the table again with her clenched.
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